Sunday, July 29, 2007

Soon in coming!

Okay, so I only have 2 days left here in Goshen and then it's off to Mexico! I think that maybe now would be a good time to start packing.....dontcha think? Yeah, I'm thinkin so......I hope to get on that here shortly. But in the mean time, I'm trying to figure out the easiest way to post pictures on my blog while I'm there (thus the "test" photo). I signed up for the flickr account thingy but then I realized that my pictures will then be available to anyone and everyone, that has flickr, to see. But then again, even random people that just happen across my blog page will be able to see my I guess that wouldn't be too different, now would it? So, I guess I am just rambling but if anyone out there has any great suggestions, I would appreciate it greatly! I'm not too much of an internet guroo (sp?) but I wanna learn! :) Thanks so much to everyone with prayers and finances and all! God has provided almost all the funds I need and I am feeling much more at peace about going! Yay! Alright, well I will leave it at that for now and hope to be back here before long! Good night all!


Sunday, July 22, 2007 anybody out there???

I just wanted to drop a note to say, if anyone is actually reading this blog (even though I'm not actually in Mexico, yet) I could really use some hard core prayers. :) I'm feeling a bit weighed down and overwhelmed about the whole trip that's to come. I mean, I know that it will be fine, once I'm there, and that it'll all go well and that I'll enjoy my time and getting to help the Bornman's but as of right now I'm just too close to the forest to see the whole picture (as a wise friend of mine would say) -so all I can see are the huge, ginormous trees that are right in front of me!!! :) So, if you could pray for me, that would really rock my world! I need and want God to fill me with His peace that passes everything else....that nothing else in the world would matter except Him and doing His will! I am excited to see and be with the Bornman's but right now, I guess you might say, there's too many other things (maybe fears) clouding my view......okay.....well thanks a million! I really appreciate it and even if you are the only one that reads this, L.A.dra, then it'll be totally worth it! You are a wonderful prayin sista! :)

A week and a half to out San Juanito!!! :)


Sunday, July 15, 2007

In the beginning.....

For those of you who do not yet know, I am leaving August 1st to go stay with the Bornmans (a missionary family from our church who are now living in Mexico) to help out while Iris(mom and wife) needs to be on bed rest due to complications with her pregnancy! She is pregnant with her 4th child and has had 3 C-sections, previously. The scar from her C-section has been weakening and the doctors fear uterine rupture, if she is not very careful. If that would happen, Iris and the baby would be in serious danger! So, I will be there to run around after the kids (especially little Josiah who will soon be 2 and according to Iris, is very much into everything!), help with cooking and whatever else Iris would normally do but can't, due to her situation. I will also be staying until the baby is born (which will be no later than Sept. 23rd because the doctors don't want her to go into labor, at all). Her actual due date is October 7th so the longer she goes (without going into labor) the better! As of right now, my return flight will be in the beginning of October.

It's now only two and a half weeks until I leave and oh, how much there is yet to do! I thought that this might be the best way to keep everyone, back at home, in tune with what's going on down here! :) As of right now, I think that I will have access to the Internet often enough to keep up with this. But if that would for some reason change, I would for sure let everyone know to not get your hopes up! :) So for now, praying, praying and more praying would Rock! The fact that I am missing 2 months of work means that there will be "lost wages" or whatever you'd like to call it and then the cost of my plane ticket and such. So, you can, if you so desire, help me to pray for finances.....not only for me but also for the Bornmans medical expenses and misc. Also, for healing for Iris.....God is healing her and the more people to pray the better!

So, I will leave it at that for now and I hope to start getting pictures and videos up here as soon as I get there! Everyone knows that I'm a picture freak, so hopefully there won't be a shortage of them! Until later!
