Sunday, July 22, 2007 anybody out there???

I just wanted to drop a note to say, if anyone is actually reading this blog (even though I'm not actually in Mexico, yet) I could really use some hard core prayers. :) I'm feeling a bit weighed down and overwhelmed about the whole trip that's to come. I mean, I know that it will be fine, once I'm there, and that it'll all go well and that I'll enjoy my time and getting to help the Bornman's but as of right now I'm just too close to the forest to see the whole picture (as a wise friend of mine would say) -so all I can see are the huge, ginormous trees that are right in front of me!!! :) So, if you could pray for me, that would really rock my world! I need and want God to fill me with His peace that passes everything else....that nothing else in the world would matter except Him and doing His will! I am excited to see and be with the Bornman's but right now, I guess you might say, there's too many other things (maybe fears) clouding my view......okay.....well thanks a million! I really appreciate it and even if you are the only one that reads this, L.A.dra, then it'll be totally worth it! You are a wonderful prayin sista! :)

A week and a half to out San Juanito!!! :)



Anonymous said...

Karisa I'll definitely pray for you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much, Josh! I really appreciate it! :)

Leigh-Ann said...

i've prayed for you! and will continue :)
now i'm calling you, i got something!

Anonymous said...

PRAY!!!! Possibilities Reign Abundantly (w/) Yahweh!!! Already all about prayin' 4 ya girlfriend. You are wise to hang on to the Father. He doesn't even mind your fingernails.. lol Jenni had a story as a child about the Song of the King, and there was a forrest involved. Many traps lay in wait, but the key was to KNOW the Song of the King and follow it. This way, when the little scary people things that inhabited the forrest played the imitation songs, the travelers would know the difference and be safe, Maybe this is too philosophical??? I can relate to that feeling you're having. This is a great idea. Should I do this? Janet

Anonymous said...

Looking for info on San Juanito and came across this blog.
Our church has 12 members gone to San Juanito right now, including our youngest son. They left today to arrive there tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

So, it sure is a small world!! :) How did the group from your church find out about San Juanito and what will they be doing there? I'd love to hear more... :)

Anonymous said...

One member of our church has been going there for several years taking seed and fertilizer to help the people grow corn for food etc.

Then the youth minister thought it would be a good youth project to go down there and do some fixing up etc.

Well, they didn't make it there today. They could not get across the border and had to go to El Paso. They are going to try again tomorrow. Seems like they forgot something as simple as a bus permit.

Anonymous said...

:) Yeah, it seems you have to hit that border at just the right time, when the border people are in a good mood or they'll keep you goin in circles until you're ready to give up. Yikes! But I will definately pray for them that tomorrow everything will go smoothly and without a single problem! God can so do it! He's in control...even when circumstances don't make it look as so! :) So, where are you and your church body from/located? This is so cool because they will be there when I get there....I think. I'll get in real early on Thursday morning (August 2nd)......and they're going to san juanito, yes? I should look them up! :)

Anonymous said...

Not going to happen. They are stuck in El Paso now unable to get a permit for the bus. They went into Juarez with some other people and are going to do some mission work there.

I'm in Seminole, Texas and the group is from the First United Methodist Church.