I slaved over the hot hot oven (wood cook stove oven) for hours yesterday to make baked beans for supper! What a treat it was gonna be to have a different kind of beans, for once, but NOOOOO, the dumb things had to go and burn themselves to a crisp!! Iris and I followed the recipe exactly and the time to back them was 3-4 hours. Well, we thought that was excessive so we just left them in for 2 hours (all the while checking on them and thinking they looked fine)! Well, when I pulled them out and tasted them I wanted to scream!!! Oh, well, the dogs and cat and chickens will have a nice treat!
But Josiah sure wasn't upset by the burned beans! :) He's petting Pimienta (the one named Pepper because several weeks ago when she showed up, she looked gray).
This chicken was having a cow the other day, squakin and squakin so I had to find out why. I still don't really know why but I thought it made for a good picture, anyhow! :) cute butt! lol!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
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"See if I really read this"?? Of course!
I've done that with a normal oven before, pulled my hand up too fast and hit the inside top. I'm sure everyone who bakes does it sometime or other. A wood stove would be cooler, though, to cook out of I think. Less convenient though.
I gotta side with Josiah on that one - baked beans, blech! But if that's a novelty, what kind of beans do you usually eat there?
Yep, so many years wasted... don't worry though, I'm sure there's some cute Mexican boy (you know, in his mid to late 20's) who rides his bike past your house from time to time... (that reminds me of a skit I wrote once about missionary dating. It was a jerry springer knockoff, and the panel was either saying why they liked it or didn't, except one guy who didn't get it: "I believe in missionary dating. My girlfriend's in Mongolia right now. I miss her." It was at Gateway. The skit was against it.)
Anyway, reading a lot more than I did, and spending more time in the Word (which was what I'd hoped), and more time studying Mandarin (which is also what I'd hoped). Otherwise, nothing much different. Not seeing my friends as much, but that's because school's started and one of my close friends is busy with that. Also, I stopped going to the university small group this year and am going to a new one that a few of us older (i.e. out of school but not yet with children of our own) young people have started. That's really good, though.
Yes, I enjoy documentaries, and even though they're still biased to a degree, will be more beneficial to watch than regular entertainment media. I found 'The Devil's Playground' to be quite objective though, compared to other docs I've seen. Of course, not being Amish I can't say they'd agree.
Dice tan el Josue!
Well, well, well! I'm glad that OF COURSE you're reading this! :) And what were you TRYING to say at the end of your comment? Dice tan el Josue? I'm thinkin that doesn't even really mean anything. Dice Josue would mean "Says Joshua"....hmmm. Good try though! lol! :)
And yeah, you just tell yourself that everyone burns themselves on the inside of the oven, Josh! uh huh! :) SO, what are you baking anyways? And no way is a wood stove cooler! It's way hotter! This morning I literally had to check to see if my thighs were on fire (or at least my jeans)! GEESH! :) And baked beans are way good, you don't know what you're talking about! The normal beans we eat are just cooked on the stove (boiled for hours with salt and garlic). That's all. We add fresh tomato and onion and such. There really not so bad.
So, why is this Mexican boy in his mid to late 20's? Why not early 20's or 30's??? lol! The skit sounds pretty funny! I laughed out loud at the last part! :) Ahhh, missionary dating! I wouldn't be here if it weren't for missionary dating! ha! :)
Hey, it's great that you're more in the word now that you're not busy with all the other stuff. I really need to do more! For some reason, it's just normally so hard to discipline myself. I guess there have been times when I really feel like I get a lot from it but there's lots of times where I really don't, ya know? I guess that makes it harder for me to want to spend time in it. I don't know. It's always been a struggle but as I'm here in Mexico, I've definitely got less other stuff to distract me so I've gone more to the Word. As well as plenty of other books! lol! I'm actually on my 7th book since I've been here. Actually, no, 9th! Geesh! I realize how much time I watch tv at home....bad bad stuff!
So, the small group that you are going to is from your church? Remind me again, do you live on your own or do you have a roomate? Linc lives with Matt (somethin or other) right? But I can't remember bout you. :) How many nights do you work? and is it going okay at the moment?
I'm not sure what the Amish would say about the Devil's Playground. Actually, I watched it with my cousin's husband who used to be Amish. And I'm pretty sure he seemed to think it was all pretty "right on". Who knows??
Hasta luego, Josue! (woah, this is like the longest comment EVER!)
Well, the colourful text does tend to attract my attention better, but yeah I'm reading the black text now too, for the most part ;)
It was supposed to be "So says Josue". I guess Babel Fish wasn't my friend that time.
I'm not much of a baker to begin with, and actually don't bake anymore at all, considering that my only cooking utensil is a pot. In fact, it's actually just a stainless steel bowl that's okay to boil stuff in. Don't ask what I eat :) Although you know, those boiled beans don't sound too bad, actually! Do you have to wash your veggies in bleach before you can eat them? I know another couple who were doing long term missions somewhere Northern Mexico that had to do that. Seriously, though, brown beans in that molasses sauce? Blech!!!!!>:(!!!!!!
So your goal there is to missionary date, eh? I see. Family's good with that, I suppose? (happy to get rid of you or what?). I wish I still had that skit, but alas, it's lost to the ravages of time. That was a good 8 years or so ago. You know, I could've always said late 30's to early 40's for that Mexican boy. That'd probably be more accurate to the culture, no? Would you be up for that? Did you ever hear about Monica and Yesu Paddam? (you went to 'uatemala, right?)
Likewise I'm glad to hear that you're also in the Word more. I'm totally not disciplined either, when it comes to that, and even though I'm reading more I'm not praying that much still. So bad. I need to change that too. But I think everyone must go through those 'dry' times when reading it is more of a chore than a pleasure. (I wonder if that would count as 'being faithful with a little' type thing, when we stick through it?) But what I'm really struggling with now is, I have a lot of head knowledge, but I realize I don't know how to put it into practice. How do I live out what I know? I think that's why this Christian anarchy/communism/new-monasticism is appealing to me now, because it is a form of living it out. Don't know. That's one thing I hope to learn more how to do in this new small group.
Good to hear that you're reading other books, too! What's been your favourite one so far? That 'Redeeming' one (can't remember the title)? Do you think you'll go back to watching tv when you come back? Is your family big tv watchers? I don't think I'll ever own a tv. That's the plan, anyway. Shouldn't be too hard to stick to (future wife notwithstanding, but that's something we'd talk about for sure). If I have a computer with a dvd player on it (which most do and it's likely I'll still have), then I'm fine. There's too much propaganda on tv, too much worldly stuff to indoctrinate ourselves with. Books can do it too, of course, but I think it's more dangerous through the tv, because we're not thinking as much as when we're reading.
The new small group is through my church, Chinese Alliance, but we also have a few people from 1 or 2 other churches joining us. I do live on my own, in a little one bedroom apartment, near my work and about a 30min. walk from my church. It's nice, and in a good location, and the rent is dirt cheap! Linc lives with a guy named Mike (whose brother is Matt), but Mike's moving out end of October so Linc needs to find a place. We might move in together, which means I'll move. Meh. Have you ever lived on your own, besides TKC?
Work's going alright, I guess. My dislike for it seems to come and go like a roller coaster. It's coming at the moment. I work 40hrs 3 weeks out of the month, and 32hrs the 4th week. But generally I'm here five nights a week, except my weekends are not constant. I have 4 days off coming up, which I'm really looking forward to! For now I'll stick it out, but I've been keeping my eyes open. What are your plans for work when you get back? I hear you might be losing some clients if you don't go back soon...
A likewise long comment! I wouldn't say EVER, though ;)
再见! (I hope your computer can display that)
This is "ANONYMOUS CHIC"--Hey, I think the chicken clucking could have been from laying eggs!,but did this happen before or after the beans. I mean, if she had the farts,she might have been wanting to let you know to clear the area.LOL
LOL! HA HA HA HA HA!!! Oh, my dear Janet, how you make me laugh, OUT LOUD, at all these comments!!! You're just too much! loL! Love ya!
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