Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fast Food!

A random photo from my birthday. Samuel was showing me somethin or other. This picture makes my eyes really look like glass like my sister always says they do. Supposedly, my brother and I have eyes that are kinda "see through". That's what we're told anyways! Funny stuff!
This is the lean to off the back door and soon it will be, no more. Zocorro (Zonida's husband) and their son are currently adding on a "room" type thing to be completely enclosed. In this little lean to is the boiler (for making hot water) and the inverter, which supplies the house with Internet and satellite phone and electricity (with the few outlets that there are). So, there will be cement walls and a door and everything. Like a little back porch. :) Maybe even by the time they go to have the baby. That would be nice cause then at night, when I go to shut the inverter off, it wouldn't be so scary (you know, with all the things that lurk at night!)! :)

Iris and the boys coming out of the Carniceria (the meat shop). Some day I'm gonna take a picture of the inside (and the beef hangin up behind the counter- with no refrigeration). :)
Hannah, hangin out at the store where we buy groceries (most of the time). These two stores are right next to each other as well as next to the Vet shop (where Aurturo- the Bornman's friend who has helped them with Spanish and seems open to things of God- works) and also the hardware shop where Aurturo's brother works. This is a row of stores that the Bornman's frequent.

So, I figured I should blog about something so I put a few misc. pictures up and now I'll share a few misc. stories and whatnot. :)

Fast food: Yesterday afternoon we realized that, due to the stores being closed on Sunday (when Iris and Andrew were out and wanted to get groceries), we didn't really have anything to make for supper. So, Andrew went out to get some groceries and picked up some "fast food" while he was out! He brought home already made, warm beans from this lady's store that makes kickin beans! They're pretty good! Iris says she makes them in a pressure cooker and it makes her want to get one! :) Anyways, he brought home warm beans and warm tortillas (both freshly made). So, we added some chopped onion and tomato and avocado and that was our supper of "fast food"! :) It was pretty good and way cheaper than fast food (for 6) at home! :)

Another lovely thing: on Sunday I burned myself on the wood cook stove (I have a few words for that stove but for the moment I'll refrain)! :) It's a nasty burn too! It immediately took the skin off and left black marks that the stove leaves on anything it comes in contact with. Only these black marks wouldn't come off and I wasn't willing to scrub it much because even plain ol' water made it hurt! So, anyways, I have a gross burn on of my hand/thumb. At least it's not on my fingertips where I'd have to pick things up all the time! Also, I've been waking up with some extra "sleepy" eyes the past few days and this morning it was worse. So, we went to the Farmacia (Pharmacy) this afternoon when we were out and I got some eye drops to treat my eyes. It appears that, as of right now, it's just like a cold in my eye but my doc always said that if I'd let it go it could become pink eye! And no one wants that! :) I had this issue in Guatemala too so maybe it's another one of those "different bacteria" things. Who knows. But I know that my God is bigger than any of this menial stuff! And don't worry, I've already rebuked Satan from having any dealings with sickness and what not in this house! He's outta here! Cause also another thing is that it appears Josiah has another bug, of some sort (he's got diareah again). But our friend, Suelle, is gonna test his stool sample tomorrow (again) and we'll know for sure. Poor lil' guy! It's definitely not fun to always be having that crap (HA! get it? crap! lol!)! :) Anyways, that's my story and I'm stickin to it! :)

In other news in San Juanito, Chihuahua, Iris will be having the baby on Monday September 17th! That's this coming Monday! They leave for Chihuahua City on Sunday afternoon and then the baby will be born on Monday! Exciting times! She's definitely ready for it (especially since she's not even allowed to sleep in bed because she's not supposed to lay flat (due to the low blood pressure issues). So, she gets to sleep in the recliner chair in the living room. Lucky her! Not! :) Anyways, when they leave to have the baby, I'll be at home with the kids. I believe that Zonida (the housekeeper) will still come in the mornings so I won't be completely alone for those days! And I'm totally not even worried about it at all! God is our protector! He's got my back (and my front. and both sides)! :)

Hmmm....is there anything else I wanted to share with you?? I can't really think of anything so I guess that's it, for now! Oh yeah, I will leave you with a quote from Hannah from dinner tonight!

Hannah was drinking some milk, really quickly, because she thought that the food was a bit spicy. Well, she also was trying to talk (at the same time) and so she swallowed quickly and then spoke. Well, it came out kinda funny (but still in her Hannah voice) but this is what she said:

Hannah: Oh! I had a bubble of milk in my throat so it made me sound like a man!

Oh, I've got another one for you too! The other day Hannah and I were outside (getting ready to go somewhere) and a few kids passed the house. Well, the one kid is a boy of about 10 or so and Hannah is kinda "fond" of him! This is the conversation:

Hannah: I'm gonna marry that boy some day. I am. (this was said in such a serious, matter of fact, voice)

Karisa: Oh you are, are you?! Why do you say that? Do you like him or something?

Hannah: Well, yeah and I think his face looks really nice. So I'm gonna marry him.

There ya have it, folks! That's all I've got for you this time! But I'm sure I'll be back with more!


Anonymous said...

Seriously, I kinda want to come play with the kids you live with. They sound like fun! You're almost home!!! Hope your black finger is better before you return! Love ya!

Leigh-Ann said...

Hannah is so adorable!
Speaking of fast food, have you seen a Chilaro Comparo there?

Anonymous said...

Ah, it was the quotes that got me reading again. That Hannah has some key criteria right there. If she follows that when she's older, she get the pick of the litter.

Couple of Q's for you: Would you have burned your hand on a regular stove back home, or was it because of the odd-ness of the stove? (sorry to hear you burned yourself, btw).

What I'm really curious about is, how do the Mexicans react/treat you? Do they stare at you like you're funny or anything? Have they reacted to your nose ring at all, or is that a normal thing for Mexican women to get? Just curious!

Keep well,

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's anonymous chic. I'm loving them stories. by the way, Pastor Roland who just spoke at church yesterday would say a heart AMEN sista to the comments about taking authority in Jesus name and being encouraged because of what we have in Christ, provision, protection, healing. HALLELUJAH... What Hannah doesn't know yet is that it's not all just about a pretty face. ;) I will pray for your eye and your burn, put melaluca oil on it, keep it clean, use antibiotic ointment and a bandage if you have to. sounds like an inconvenient spot. Gotta go, I have 2 min. left on my time.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Yeah, Vanessa, I hope my black finger is better too before I come home! When you say that it reminds me of "Mr. Deeds" and his black foot! :) And I'll let you come play with the kids, if you really want to! :) Love ya!

L.A.- what is Chilaro Comparo? I'm so confused? Is that a joke? :) Hugs to you too! Are you feeling better? Seen the doc yet?

Janet (I mean Ms. Anonymous)- Thanks for all your wisdom concerning my burn and I've been doing just that. Except for the first day, I haven't covered it because Iris says air will help it heal faster. And it seems to be healing right on up! :) Looks nasty though! Hopefully there won't be much of a scar, but hey, at least it's not on my ring finger cause that would just ruin wedding pictures!! LOL! Thanks for your prayin and sounds like Roland was really good and all! I got your email and will reply here shortly! I had to tear up though when reading it cause I just love that when someone pinpoints something in me like that (I mean, it doesn't always feel great but it's good, none the less)! I'm praying for you too! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Josue- I'm writing your reply separate so that you're more likely to see and read it! :) Yes, Hannah surely knows how to find a man and maybe that's all I need to be looking for! What have I been thinking? All these years down the drain! geesh! :)

So, were you asking if I am such a klutz that I would have burned my hand no matter where I was??? Yeah, I know what's underlying that question! :P Anyways, no, it was simply because of the dang wood stove. I was putting more wood into it, to keep it cooking, and I accidently brought my hand up too far and hit the inside of the wood burning compartment! Bam, took the skin right off! :) Thanks for your concern! lol!

I do get a lot of stares when I go into town but I think it's mostly cause I'm a whitie and even have blondish hair! I'm sure it's also cause I'm so good looking too! lol! They treat me fine, though, especially when I can communicate with them in Spanish and I'm not just some dumbie who comes here without knowing the language! :) The nose ring, naw, I haven't seen too many with them but I know a girl, here, who wants one but her dad won't let her get one. So, it's not a foreign thing, obviously! :)
Does that tame your curiousity, sir? :)

We'll see if you really read this or not......what have you been doing lately with your "supposed" media fast? :) watching Devil's Playground, obviously! :)

I'm keeping well, you do the same!