Tuesday, September 18, 2007

More pictures from the past 2 months!

Some pretty flowers and a good photo op! Flowers in Mexico are not very common. At least no the kind that you have to plant and take care of. You've seen my pictures of all the goldenrod and the various other small wild flowers, but people having flower gardens/beds is more rare. I have seen a few houses, in town, that do have them though.
Another day, another horse, crossing another city street! This street isn't the very main road in San Juanito but it's pretty close....notice it's a dirt road. You can turn off of a paved road onto a dirt one (and very very rocky/bumpy) very easily in San Juanito and all in the basic downtown area.
There's a story to this outhouse! When Andrew took me to Cuetemach to see the doctor (several weeks ago) we passed this outhouse and he told me to quick take a picture! I had no idea if he was just trying to pull one over on me or what but I decided to oblige and take the picture. So then he proceeds to tell me the story of 2 years ago, when Josiah was born, he was on a little dirt bike type thingy, on this same mountainous, winding road, on his way to see Iris and the kids (who were staying at a friends house in another city about an hour or 2 away from San Juanito. Well, it started looking stormy and all of a sudden he was caught in a horrible downpour! And a big storm (if I remember correctly) that left him frantically searching for some sort of shelter. Well, he wasn't quite sure why there was an outhouse so close to the road and not near any house but he didn't think twice about taking shelter inside! He said he was in that outhouse for over 2 hours (I believe that was it...maybe it was closer to 3, but either way it was a long long time to be inside an outhouse)! :) By the time the rain slowed down enough to get back on the bike it was dark and too late to go visit Iris, so he headed back home! What an adventure! So basically he had an outing just to go sit in an outhouse for a couple of hours! LOL! I told him that he's done some things that I would never ever do, even if I was stuck in that situation (a downpour on a bike)! But then again, I wouldn't have been by myself on a bike out in the middle of Mexico mountains! ha! Oh, Andrew!
One day when the kids and myself were at the river they spotted this "dog". They first got scared and said "Oh no, look I think it's a wolf!!" Well, that got my attention very quickly and at first (since the suggestion was already in my mind) I questioned, too, whether or not it was a wolf! But then I realized, no, silly, it's just a dog! LOL! Gave my heart a jump though! :)
We have signs in the store windows, at home, that say open or closed. Well, here's what you'd see in Mexico, if the store is OPEN. Abierto! Come on in! :)

1 comment:

Leigh-Ann said...

i can't handle 5 seconds in an outhouse, nevermind HOURS!!! ick!!
good story though :)

Love you :)