Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Quote of the day, from yesterday.

Here's the food that I was eating for supper last night when Hannah and Iris had this little conversation. This is an enchilada type thing made with chili colorado sauce. Very spicy but good! :) Easy to make too!

Hannah was crying about something or other and this is what she said as she was stopping but there were still tears on her face. She was very serious too! :)

Hannah: You should try your tears, Mommy. I'm licking my tears cause they're good!.............When we're on a trip and I'm hungry and we don't have any food, I just eat my tears!

Iris: So, Hannah, when we're on a trip and we don't have any food with us but you're hungry I can just say "Hannah, why don't you just go ahead and cry and then you can eat your tears!"??

Hannah: Yes! And actually I'll just take a rock along with me, in the car, so that when I get hungry I can just pound myself with it and then eat my tears!! :)

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