Monday, September 17, 2007

So sorry Gramms!

Okay Grandma, I just realized that I haven't posted anything on here since Friday! I'm so sorry to not give you more reading to do on me! LOL! Anyways, here's a little bit to wet your whistle and then hopefully later I can write more!

Amos got bit the other night by some dog and he was really limping bad. It was a big nasty bite and he got a fever from it. Andrew got him antibiotics and such and now he's just fine. He must have been trying to show another dog that he, Amos, is top dog. But he must have failed! Or maybe the other guy (dog) looks worse! lol! :)
It's a drinking hole for the animals in the middle of Mexico! Kinda like in Africa when all the safari animals come to the water hole to drink! ha! It's my very own safari!!
More of Beautiful Mexico!
This is a different view of the Bornman's house. It's the front and side view, when I was walking back from going down to the River.
Again, the front "yard" and the driveway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is "ANONYMOUS CHIC" Hey,I just love the deep blue sky there. I can't wait for some. It will be coulder then, and I have some tea to bring. I didn't see the "swimming" be4. I'm not sure that I will bring my swimsuit. This could be great stuff for the newsletter!?!?!? (ARE YOU LAUGHIN?) The house has changed so much! Good job makin fire. I'm a little fire bug myself, so it sounds like quite the adventure. I'm glad that wrong fuel didn't cause any other problems other than just not lighting! Thanks for all the work you put into this blog! See ya