Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Another "suspension" bridge.

So, in one of my posts from my birthday I had pictures of us on a suspension bridge and I mentioned that all though it took my breath away, a little bit, it was nothing compared to walking across the one in Guatemala. It was old and rickety and had wooden planks with rope to hang onto on the sides. And some of the planks were falling apart or missing! Yikes! AND this was the only way that this one village had to get out anywhere. If they wanted to go sell or buy something, for instance, they would have to cross this rickety bridge. AND the women did it with huge things balancing on their heads! YUP! That's right! Anyways, I just wanted to show you a picture of us on this friend, Leigh-Ann, has it posted on her blog with other pictures from our Guatemalan could look at those too if you want and see if you can spot me! :) Okay, so click HERE to see this picture. The person, way out front, where if you put your mouse over it it says "me" is not really Me. It's actually Leigh-Ann, since it's her photo album. :) I'm in the way back. And this picture does nothing to show how truly far down this little valley/hole thingy was! IT was a LOOOOONNNNNNGGGG way down!!! And look, Ma, I'm just fine! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.