Sunday, August 26, 2007

My birthday meal!

Mmm Mmm good! I was so craving one of these puppies for weeks now! It's hard to get junk food off the brain! :) But this did a great job of filling the need! Yes, that is lunch meat on the hamburger. For some reason in Mexico that's how the come. But they also come with avocado, which I really love and have to pay extra for in the states! YUMMY!
Okay, so the picture doesn't really show the true "hue" of her hair but it was quite violet! Just like my Mama's! She reminded me of the Mexican version of my Mom (crazy hair and all), only Mom, you are much more beautiful!!! :)
The cool sink in the bathroom at the restaurant we ate at! It was a nice place. It was actually a hotel restaurant. The hotel being The Best Western! Well, let me tell you, this was the nicest Best Western I've ever seen! They know how to do it in Mexico! :)
In the bathroom......what can I say? I think I was full of myself today! Oh well, a girl deserves at least ONE day out of the year to dote on herself! :)
These two cuties were outside of the restaurant when we left! Look at the tiny baby on her back and she's not so big herself. These are Tarahumaran Indians...the ones the Bornman's feel called to! Anyways, they don't appreciate their picture taken without any compensation so I gave her 10 pesos (not quite one dollar) for a little bracelet and a picture of them! Small price to pay for such cuteness!! :)


Leigh-Ann said...

she's so small to be caring a small girl. It's almost a freakily disproportionate picture (confuses my eyes)
good post Kdra-- love you!

Anonymous said...

I used to LOVE fruit striped gum! It was seriously my favorite! And, thanks for teaching me how to post, I have been wanting to since you left! Love ya Karisa! Glad you feel better!

Anonymous said...

Ha, Vanessa, I knew someone would appreciate my little "yikes, stripes..." Glad you did! And glad that I could teach you something new, too! You done good! :) Love you too and thanks! I am feeling back to normal! Praise God!