Saturday, August 11, 2007

Two more trips to the Rio Royale!

I'm trying to be more creative at taking pictures of myself (my inspiration being my friend Leigh-Ann who rocks at it!)but I'm not so good at it. Here I am looking on as the kids splash around in the river.
Samuel and Carlos (a neighbor/friend) made a little passage way to crawl across the water. Doesn't it look so deep (ondo)? He looks like such a brave lil' boy! Welp, it's only up to his shins, at the highest. :)
Here we tried to take a group photo (us plus Carlos) but we haven't quite got it mastered, yet!
Hannah kept finding pretty pink-ish rocks and showing them to me to take a picture. She found out that my favorite color is pink (just like hers) and she loved that! But I must admit, all shades of teal/turquoise are my new pink! Shhhh, don't tell Hannah! :)
This is as close as my feet have gotten to the water. And I plan on keeping it that way. Don't worry though, it will be a marked day if I ever go further and I will let you know about it!

1 comment:

Leigh-Ann said...

thats a very "Christian Missionary" self portrait. and very great chin angle :) good stuff, keep going!!
love all your fotos and documentations. i love you miss.dra!